ESPN Radio Bill Daughtry interviews Goody Awards Founder about WorldCup4Good Campaign
Supporting love.fútbol and honoring Brazil Team World Cup Player Anderson Hernanes
To highlight good news at the World Cup Brazil, legendary sportscaster Bill Daughtry, ESPN Radio 98.7 FM Host of New York Sports and Beyond, interviewed Goody Awards Founder Liz H Kelly about their WorldCup4Good Cause Marketing Campaign, which includes a Golden Goody Award for Anderson Hernanes (Brazil National Football Team in the World Cup) for his great work for love.fútbol.
Listen to the ESPN Radio Goody Awards #WorldCup4Good interview here (8 minutes):
You can listen to the entire ESPN Radio show about the World Cup with Goody Awards at 18:43 minute mark
If you want to listen to the entire show with World Cup guests, you will find the Goody Awards interview at 18:43 minutes here: ESPN Radio Show Interview.
After sharing a few laughs about how she grew up with a father who was huge sports fan glued to ESPN and mother who would much rather watch PBS, Bill asked Liz to describe the Golden Goody Award.
Liz explained, “The Golden Goody is actually the top award for the Goody Awards that I started, and the Goody Awards is a cool thing you can do where you can tweet awards to everyday heroes and charities through social media. And we’re doing a big WorldCup4Good campaign. And then on top of that sits the Golden Goody Award, and that is what we gave to Hernanes who plays for the Brazil team for helping love.fútbol raise money to build soccer fields for those in need.”
When Bill asked Liz, “How did you even find out about what he was doing?” Liz shared how Sports and Social Change Founder Howard Brodwin told her about love.fútbol and Hernanes. Because he was hosting a World Cup Kickoff in Los Angeles, they decided with love.fútbol via email (who is in Brazil now) to give the award to Hernanes via video virtually.
During this World Cup Kickoff Los Angeles event, soccer leaders rallied from the US Soccer Foundation, America Scores LA, Street Soccer USA, Special Olympics, Jovenes Inc and more to give Hernanes cheers, which you can watch in this VIDEO: Hernanes honored at World Cup Kickoff with Golden Goody Award.
Bill Daughtry then summarized, “The Golden Goody is the award to get. This time, it went to Anderson Hernanes of the Brazil National Team for the good works that he is doing to help kids in his country learn about the beautiful game building soccer pitches all around the country for underprivileged kids to get the opportunity to play this great game.”
When Bill asked about previous winners of the Golden Goody Award, Liz spoke about marketing campaigns for winners Ian Somerhalder (“The Vampire Diaries” star who runs the Ian Somerhalder Foundation), Louis Psihoyos (Director of “The Cove” Best Documentary who founded the Oceanic Preservation Society), and Erica Greve (Founder of Unlikely Heroes who works to prevent human trafficking and rehabilitate girls).
For the WorldCup4Good campaign, everyone is encouraged to tweet Goody Awards to recognize people and teams doing good around the games with #WorldCup4Good and 1 of 5 types of Goody Awards: #HeroGoody #TeamGoody #EcoGoody #GoodDeedGoody and/or #TeacherGoody. They’ve already tweeted #TeamGoody Awards to all the nonprofits who gave shout outs to Hernanes, and you can see who’s winning Goody Awards of the Month and Year on the LIVE leader board.
When comparing their favorite teams for the World Cup, Liz shared that she’s rooting for USA, Brazil and Italy (because Hernanes plays professional for Inter Milan), and Bill said, “I’ll just stick with the good old USA.”
Liz closed by emphasizing how love.fútbol is not just building soccer fields, they partner with communities to create programs that provide job skills and change lives, and really that’s what the Goody Awards is about – inspiring positive change that will impact the world.
Big thanks to Bill Daughtry and his ESPN Radio team, tweet Goody Awards with #WorldCup4Good during the tournament, and FIFA World Cup!
© Goody Awards 2014
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