Goody Awards of the Year 2017 based on Fan Votes
Based on 10 Goody Awards Hashtag Votes on Twitter
Join us in BIG Cheers for Your Goody Awards of the Year 2017 that are based on fan votes on Twitter using 10 hashtag categories for global thought leaders, charities, teachers and brands making a positive impact on the world!
Global Goody Awards of the Year 2017
Athlete Goody Award – @KingJames for a #AthleteGoody #GoodyAwards for supporting @BGCCAN. #LeBronJames #BoysandGirlsClub
Author Goody Award – @LiveTalksLA for a #AuthorGoody #GoodyAwards for hosting so many great authors for #booktalks! #LiveTalksLA
Business Goody Award – @THRIVEmkt for a #BusinessGoody #GoodyAwards for Proposing healthy organic products & helping people to feel good!

Geena Davis @GDIGM wins Celebrity Goody Award of the Year 2017. Photo (c) Liz H Kelly 2017.
Celebrity Goody Award – Geena Davis @GDIGM for a #CelebrityGoody #GoodyAwards for creating the #GeenaDavis Institute on Gender in Media #GDIGM #2030Now
Charity Goody Award – @FREE_2_LUV for a #CharityGoody #GoodyAwards for inspiring, empowering & bringing out the very best in each of us! THANK YOU!
Eco Goody Award – @ClimateReality for a #EcoGoody #GoodyAwards for bringing the world together to stop #climatechange. #gogreen
Hero Goody Award – @Nickelback for a #HeroGoody #GoodyAwards for making our lives so much better with their awesome music and their kind spirits
RAK Goody Award – @iNalishaPillay & @MelaniVil for #RAKGoody #GoodyAwards for their beautiful hearts, for always being so kind & for spreading love
Teacher Goody Award – @NikkiReed_I_Am for a #TeacherGoody #GoodyAwards for educating me on the importance of “doing my homework” before buying food!
Team Goody Award – @FREE_2_LUV for a #TeamGoody #GoodyAwards for having the most amazing team of #GameChangers creating a better world for youth!
Thank you to everyone who voted, and please continue to give daily shout outs to your everyday heroes on Twitter using 10 Goody Awards categories. Let’s recognize some more good and change the world, one Goody Award at a time, in 2018!
© Liz H Kelly, Goody Awards 2018
The Goody Awards are brought to you by
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