Animal Activist Stephanie Berner presented Hero Goody Award Tag
From Kelly Mayer @krmayer27 for Stephanie’s RAK as a Veterinary Technician
Animal Activist Stephanie Berner was tagged as a global citizen with a Hero Goody Necklace for her endless random acts of kindness as a Veterinary Technician in Switzerland. This gift was presented by fellow ISF (Ian Somerhalder Foundation) advocate Kelly Mayer, who sent us this letter:
From Kelly Mayer @krmayer27

Animal Activist Stephanie Berner receives Hero Goody Award Tag
Everyday Heroes are all around us. Sometimes, someone comes into your life, opens not only your mind, but your eyes to the world and makes you see things differently. That’s exactly what happened when I met Stephanie Berner about 3 years ago. Steph is a powerful force for good, she’s an animal activist who loves ALL animals, a fierce friend, she has a heart of gold and is 1 of the most caring humans I’ve met. These are just some of the reasons why I’ve tagged her with a “Hero Goody” Award as a “Global Citizen”.
Stephanie and I became friends almost instantly about 3 years ago. We found we both have a lot in common. Our passion for helping animals, our love for Nickelback, our love for a popular TV series, “The Vampire Diaries”, our love for Guinea Pigs, and an incredible organization that she is now a volunteer for, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation.
Steph has been a Veterinary Technician for the past 9 years in Switzerland. Her love for all animals is inspiring. She loves all creatures, big or small, furry or not. She’d sit for hours feeding the birds at a park (or squirrels) and has even attempted to make friends with a skunk! While most people may think it’s a waste of time trying to be kind, it comes natural to her.
In addition for her love for animals, Steph has one of the biggest hearts around. In a world filled with so much negativity, she’s always doing things for others. On many occasions, she has helped people, some she’s never met in person, to make them smile. From sending autographed pictures of Ian Somerhalder to fans, to sending Swiss Chocolate across the ocean to someone just to be nice. These random acts of kindness may seem small to some, but to those people that receive these acts of kindness, it means the world to them.
I tagged Stephanie with the Hero Goody Award Tag, because even though she doesn’t believe it, she really is a Hero. By bringing laughter, showing kindness to others, being an amazing friend, helping those in need, and just by being herself, she makes the world a better place and in my eyes that makes her a Hero.
~Kelly Mayer~

You can tag global citizens with a Hero Goody Award Tag.
Thank you Kelly for recognizing Stephanie Berner. And thank you for tweeting so many Goody Awards nominations to recognize awesome individuals and groups making a difference. Your words are an inspiration to so many around the world!
There are never enough thank yous in this world. If you know a hero, you can tag them as a global citizen with a Hero Goody necklace. Tag good, and then watch them beam with pride!
(c) Goody Awards 2017
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