Goody Awards announces 10 Global Winners for Q1 2016
Based on tweeted votes from our fans from 30+ countries around the world.
Please join us in cheers for 10 Global Goody Awards Winners Q1 2016 for brands, people and non-profits making the world a better place. Based on Twitter votes by fans in 30+ countries, we had 10 Global Goody Awards winners and 10 Local Goody Awards winners for Los Angeles for January – March 2016.
Below are YOUR 10 Global Goody Award Winners Q1 2016 with tweeted votes from our Live Leaderboard.
Athlete Goody Award – We nominate @SerenaWilliams for an #AthleteGoody #GoodyAwards for starting the #SerenaWilliams Foundation. #tennispro

Jennifer Niven, Author Goody Award Q1 2016
Author Goody Award – I nominate @jenniferniven for a #AuthorGoody #GoodyAwards for being an award-winning writer & Founder of Germ Mag @germzine. #books
Business Goody Award – I nominate @bsome (Bob Somerhalder, Built of Barnwood) for a #BusinessGoody #GoodyAwards for having an awesome reclaiming business! RT @lifethrumyeyes1 #SocEnt
Celebrity Goody Award – I nominate @EmWatson for a #CelebrityGoody #GoodyAwards for her actions for @UN. #Vote

Emma Watson, Celebrity Goody Award Q1 2016
Charity Goody Award – I nominate @FREE_2_LUV for a #CharityGoody #GoodyAwards for being amazing advocates for change for youth globally! #GameChangers
Eco Goody Award – I nominate Bob @bsome for a @GoodyAwards #EcoGoody #GoodyAward #Ecofriendly awesome items, Go Follow & RT
Hero Goody Award – I nominate @iansomerhalder for #HeroGoody #GoodyAwards for ISF, for teaching us the true meaning of compassion & for always inspiring us!!
RAK Goody Award – I nominate @krmayer27 (Kelly Mayer) for a #RAKGoody #GoodyAwards for being such a kind and loving soul! @goodyawards

Ian Somerhalder (Hero Goody Award), Kelly Mayer (RAK Goody Award) and Bob Somerhalder (Business Goody Award & Eco Goody Award)
Teacher Goody Award – I nominate @Malala for a #TeacherGoody #GoodyAwards for ….her actions for education @malalafund
Team Goody Award – I nominate @IS_Foundation for a #TeamGoody #GoodyAwards for being an awesome team of changemakers! @goodyawards
With the new quarter beginning, you can continue voting for your 2016 Goody Awards. Each tweet counts as a vote towards the Goody Awards of the Quarter, and Goody Awards of the Year using 20 different hashtags (10 for Global Goody Awards and 10 for Local Goody Awards).
Go ahead, and make someone’s day and year by tweeting Goody Awards to recognize the good they are doing. It only takes a few seconds, and it’s amazing what a difference it can make!
Thank you for voting for GOOD.
© Goody Awards 2016
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